2015-03-10 15:06 |
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2015-03-10 15:00 |
Parametrisation of hadron shower profiles in the CALICE Sc-Fe AHCAL
/ Chadeeva, M (ITEP)
/CALICE Collaboration
The spatial shower development in the CALICE scintillator-steel analogue hadronic calorimeter was studied using test beam data collected at CERN and FNAL for single positive hadrons with initial momenta from 10 to 80 GeV/c. The parametrisation of both longitudinal and radial profiles are fit to test beam data and simulations using physics lists from Geant4 version 9.6. [...]
AIDA-NOTE-2015-006; CALICE Analysis Note CAN-048; CALICE-CAN-2014-001.-
Geneva : CERN, 2015 - 30.
CALICE Note: PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
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